0 0 ##########Insults before a KSAT attack ### stTauntKSATINSULT_00 Pitiful humans - surrender to the Kri'iSara \nand join us. Or your genetic seed will be \nanihilated. ### stTauntKSATINSULT_01 You disgust us, human. You are not worthy of \njoining. Prepare for extermination! ### stTauntKSATINSULT_02 Humans spend their time killing one another. \nThe universe has no place for you! ### stTauntKSATINSULT_03 Your pathetic technology is no match for ours. \nYou shall now face our wrath! ### stTauntKSATINSULT_04 Ooo, baby - do we have a surprise in store for \nyou... Ka-ching! ##########Warnings before a KSAT ### these require a %c %d for formatting in the location (%c = a-z, %d = 1-10) of the attack ### stTauntKSATWARNING_00 Missile attack at map location %c %d ### stTauntKSATWARNING_01 Missile attack at %c %d ### stTauntKSATWARNING_02 We have detected a missile attack at %c %d ##########Insults before a KSAT Attack on your tank ### stTauntKSATTANKINSULT_00 WARNING! We are being targeted by Kri'iSara \nmissiles. ##########stTauntKSATDISABLED "Enemy missile attack foiled." ##########Insults before a BMS attack ### stTauntBMSINSULT_00 Pitiful humans - surrender to the Kri'iSara and \njoin us. Or your genetic seed will be \nannihilated ### stTauntBMSINSULT_01 You disgust us, human. You are not worthy of \njoining. Prepare for extermination! ### stTauntBMSINSULT_02 Humans spend their time killing one another. \nThe universe has no place for you! ### stTauntBMSINSULT_03 Your pathetic technology is no match for ours. \nYou shall now face our wrath! ### stTauntBMSINSULT_04 Ooo, baby - do we have a surprise in store for \nyou... Ka-ching! ##########warnings before a BMS ###these require a %c %d for formatting in the location (%c = a-z, %d = 1-10) of the attack ### stTauntBMSWARNING_00 Missile attack at map location %c %d ### stTauntBMSWARNING_01 Missile attack at %c %d ### stTauntBMSWARNING_02 We have detected a missile attack at %c %d ##########Insults before a BMS Attack on your tank ### stTauntBMSTANKINSULT_00 WARNING! We are targeted by Ballistic Missile \nStrike (BMS). ##########DISABLE BMS Enemy missile attack devilishly thwarted.